Cataclysm has brought new ways to make extra gold in WoW. So, if you're looking for a way to make a profit on the fly, you need a strategy to help you get there. Here are some hot spots along the path.
No. 1: Farm the Twilight Highlands and the old world zones. After reaching Level 85, you'll be able to access almost anything you need in this zone. You will find Volatile Fire outside the Bastion of Twilight as well as just west of the Maw of Madness, Volatile Earth east of Thundermar, and Volatile Water north of the Bastion of Twilight and west of Dragonmaw Port. You will also find a lot of Embersilk drop spots in the Dunward Ruins and near the Elementium Depths.
Finally, there are Highland Elk here who drop Savage Leather at higher than normal percentages. Don't forget too that the old world zones from Vanilla WoW have been overhauled completely, leaving a number of new hot spots for farming. Zul'Farrak can be flown over now and farmed for mageweave and silk cloth with ease. You'll also find some good drops in the newly revamped Feralas, as well as in Desolace's newly populated greenlands.
However, farming will not make you "rich". It is no wonder that guides like Cataclysm Scalper are extremely valuable since they can help you make gold without having to farm. If all you want to do is run instances and buy crafting mats, it's probably ok, but if you're interested in earning 5 figures a day, every day, you need a guide like Cataclysm Scalper to help you out(
No. 2: Ore Stock. The most obvious way to make gold in any expansion is by loading up on the new ores for mining. In Cataclysm, you will find Elementium and Obsidium Ore littered throughout the starting zones and Pyrium Ore along the rock walls and near the instance entrances of Twilight Highlands. If you're in Uldum, make sure to farm on Whiptail too as it is very much available in the areas around the river delta.
No 3: Use addons. Let's face reality. Most of the advanced players use addons to achieve their high scores. If you're creative enough you will be able to make a decent amount of gold, but usually no more than 700 gold an hour. This is ok but it is far from the 1 million mark (it would take 1428 hours or 59 straight days of play to reach the mark making that much). For example, the Tycoon addon ( studies your server's economy and then shows you which of the five basic strategies in WoW (Crafting, Grinding/Farming, Gathering, Auction House Playing, and Dailies) is the best strategy that will make you the most money. It also makes calculations on what items will make you the most money and how many people are using the same strategy.
As far as dailies are concerned, the X-Elerated Guide (you can find it at: offers a wow quest addon that helps you complete gold daily quests extremely fast, allowing you to make money more quickly and buy all the expensive items you need as early in the game as possible.
Cataclysm has brought these new money making methods that players should definitely take advantage of. So make sure to sit down, build your strategies and start making money!
About the Author
Rose Crackervine is a marketing expert who lives and works in L.A. She has recently expanded her interests in internet marketing and enjoys combining work with the pleasure of writing.If you are a freelance writer seeking for online jobs, visit my blog for the latest opportunities:
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