These young women who will be springing into the workplace (the small business, the corporation, and the entrepreneurial stage) will need a strong mental and emotional reservoir to make the strides they desire.
They will be the women online, the women in business, and the women who will benefit from the block-removal efforts of today's women.
The next generation of women needs to know what makes it all come together, and how to use the resources available to them in order to experience great levels of success.
It all starts with what you believe, what you value and what you follow through on. Here are four success factors for tomorrow's female leaders, producers and creative geniuses that will set their 'success cycle' in motion.
Gather and generate knowledgeable ideas that will propel you onto the front stage. Get noticed for your talents, smarts and skills. Never pass up an education, whether it's at a formal school or on the job. No learning is a waste. Put it to work for you.
Thomas P. Flannery, the director of Ernst & Young's human capital practice, asked this question: "What's the basis for competition in the 21st century?" He concluded from his research, "It's your ability to think through complex problems, serve the customers better, and be more creative." All these qualities come down to the capabilities of human beings, he says.
Strong communication is the next success factor for young women. Leave your deferred speech at the door when you get to work. That means no, "Forgive me for asking …" or "This may be a stupid question …" Start your conversation with fortitude and determination. Have a purpose and let it be known.
Speaking from a source of strength garners the positive attention you deserve. Speak with intent, and people will listen intently. Contribute to other's ideas and strategies. Be part of the conversation, decisions and forward thinking. Nobody will carry your message better than you can.
The next success factor for a young woman is to find meaning and purpose as a real woman. This means not sacrificing your core values.
Start early in your life and career in uncovering your values and set of core beliefs. Know what you stand for - the causes you are willing to go out on a limb for. Which ones will you fight for, risking what others will perceive of you? Your security as a real woman will be tested often.
Finally, confidence is THE key success factor for young women. Lack of confidence will sabotage every action, idea and pursuit.
There are so many opportunities and resources that are connected to confidence: promotions, salary increases, support structures at work, work-life balance, and the list of tangibles goes on. There are also numerous intangible or 'soft' attributions connected to confidence as well: respect, self-esteem, admiration, deference, value and approval to name a few.
Regardless of where you are now, there's always time and opportunity for you to change direction, get in the game and open up new doors as a young working woman.
Stay alert to all the messages society (family, teachers, friends, spouses, bosses and media) signals to you that you don't deserve what you want, you aren't good enough, and you are not worth as much as a man. Don't accept the message that being a woman means you are inferior or disadvantaged.
If this happens to you, smack it back at them. Make them own the garbage they are sending your way. You are finally living in a time where what really does matter in this world is brains, character and nerve. Use yours!