As of the importance of the surveys for the companies investing hugely in them is immense indeed. It has become more and moreimportant for the companies to improve their product line with time so as to retain their place in the cut throat competitions in the market. Simultaneously it has become more difficult as well to do so for the original ideas are limited and to read the customers mind and their choices is not always easy.
Earlier the competition was not so acute and there were alternative ways for the companies to read their customer's mind. But today the competition is the question of life and death for the companies and people have no time to express their concerns; they rather prefer to leave a brand and pick the other. This causes great embarrassment for the companies when they find their sales undergoing acute falls with some of the products they launch while they unexpectedly receive the sales shooting up with other products with slight improvement.
How to predict the results of changes you make in your product is quite difficult sometimes.
And here is where the paid surveys enter into the game. It is better to invest a few thousand dollars on surveys to get pointed ideas in conformity with the customers' needs and choicesthan to be ready to bear the losses in millions altogether.
What you need to follow to be good at filling the survey is that you need to be confident to express your ideas howsoever odd they may seem to you. What you feel about a product, service or a need just express that through a relevant question sincerely.
The next thing that comes here is the honesty factor. You cannot dodge the companies with your greed to fill more forms that you have used a particular product while you really have not. You are soon caught lying. Flatly refuse to take up a survey if you have not used a product. Be assured you won't fall short of surveys if you devote time filling them sincerely and honestly.
It may take time for your name to reach to the companies through the internal networking between the companies but you will soon be hearing from others for online surveys. It is due to the reason, and on the condition that you are an average guy who lives a common life using the products and services from the companies. Your being common pays here as by being so you represent the masses of people. And a real representation of the people's ideas and experiences with the products is what is sought by the companies through the surveys.